The Truth About Replacing Your 4 Inch Furnace Filter

As an HVAC expert, I am often asked about the frequency of furnace filter replacements. It's a common misconception that all filters should be changed every three months, but the truth is, it depends on the thickness of the filter. For 3- to 4-inch filters, it's recommended to change them every 6 to 9 months. For 5- to 6-inch filters, they should be replaced every 9 to 12 months.

So, what about a 4-inch furnace filter? The general consensus among professionals is that it should be changed somewhere between six and nine months. However, this timeline can vary depending on certain factors. For instance, Thomas & Galbraith Heating, Cooling and Plumbing of Ohio suggests changing filters that are less than 2 inches thick every 30 to 90 days. Meanwhile, thicker filters have more room to accumulate dirt and dust, so they don't need to be changed as frequently.

Three- or 4-inch filters can last 6 to 9 months, and filters up to 6 inches thick can be replaced once a year. It's important to note that the frequency of furnace filter replacements may differ during the winter and summer months. During the winter, when the oven is used more often, you may need to replace the filter more frequently. This is because a clogged filter can cause your oven to work harder, resulting in higher energy bills and a shorter lifespan for your oven.

The purpose of a furnace filter is to clean the air of contaminants and dust before it enters the oven system. If you take it out of its frame and stretch it flat, you may be surprised to find that it can measure up to 20 or 25 feet long. In comparison, a one-inch filter, even if pleated, typically measures around a foot and a half. This is why it's crucial to regularly replace or clean your filter.

When determining how often you should change your furnace filter, the first step is to identify the type of filter you have installed. You may think you need to change a one-inch filter every 60 days, when in reality, you have a four-inch media filter that doesn't need to be replaced yet. Aside from the type of filter, there are other factors that can influence the frequency of replacements. For example, if you have pets or smokers in your household, you may need to change the filter more often than recommended above.

If you have any questions about furnace filter replacements or need assistance with repairing or installing a heating system in your home, don't hesitate to contact Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning, your trusted company in St. Louis. Lastly, it's worth mentioning that some filters don't necessarily need to be replaced but should be cleaned with a vacuum at regular intervals. If your home tends to be dusty, it's recommended to change one- and two-inch filters every month, four-inch filters every two months, and five-inch filters every three months.

Allen Hummer
Allen Hummer

Total social media evangelist. Amateur music guru. Unapologetic zombieaholic. Total coffee advocate. Passionate pizza buff.